


澳门在线赌城娱乐的ceo们, 葛兰素史克公司, 德国默克制药公司, 诺和诺德公司, 罗氏公司, 三星生物制剂 and 赛诺菲安万特 today announced joint action to achieve near-term emissions reduction targets and accelerate the delivery of net zero health systems. 第一次, the global health sector has come together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the 可持续市场倡议 (SMI) Health Systems Task Force, 在COP26上启动的公私伙伴关系.

工作组正在采取可扩展的行动,共同解决整个供应链的排放问题, 病人护理途径, 还有临床试验. This includes aligning on a set of common supplier standards to incentivise decarbonisation efforts across the supply chain, 共同寻求可再生能源购买协议和绿色交通走廊. Task Force members will build an end-to-end care pathway emissions calculation standard and tool that allows stakeholders to measure and track emissions across the care pathway and will publish product-level life cycle assessments (LCA) data to increase transparency on treatment emissions. 此外,将建立一个衡量临床试验排放的共同框架.

气候变化与人类健康之间的联系已得到证实,而且意义深远. 非传染性疾病和传染病, 营养不良, 由于气候危机,对心理健康和过早死亡的威胁都在增加, 弱势群体面临的风险最大. 空气污染每年导致全球700万人过早死亡1 极端高温每年造成500万人死亡.2,3 Health systems are responding to the impacts of the climate crisis but are also responsible for 4-5% of total global net emissions, 等于2.相当于40亿吨二氧化碳.4

帕斯卡Soriot, 首席执行官, 澳门在线赌城娱乐, and Champion of the SMI Health Systems Task Force said: “Climate change is the greatest global health threat of our time. 大流行期间, 卫生保健部门加紧努力,展示了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐共同努力所能取得的成就. 今天, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐以同样的紧迫感应对气候危机, with the collective commitments announced by the 可持续市场倡议卫生系统工作队 setting a benchmark for others to drive action.”

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的卫生系统脱碳的理由很清楚,如果不能保持1.实现5°C目标将对全球卫生产生不可逆转的影响,谭德塞博士说, 世界卫生组织总干事. “向低碳转型, climate-resilient health systems is essential for every country’s journey towards universal health coverage. The commitments announced today demonstrate the power of public-私人 partnership to achieve positive and sustainable change for the health of people and the planet.”

今天, member 公司 of the Task Force unveiled their shared commitments to decarbonise at pace in three priority areas, 哪些已被确定为对该行业产生最大积极影响的驱动因素:供应链, 病人护理途径, 还有临床试验. 今天宣布的具体行动包括:

1. 认识到供应链排放占医疗保健总排放量的50%以上, 工作组成员今天宣布,他们致力于实现净零排放,并将:

  • 与一组共同的供应商标准保持一致
  • 改用可再生能源
  • 共同评估2023年中国和印度的可再生能源购买协议
  • 到2025年探索绿色供热解决方案,加快可扩展技术的采用
  • transition car fleets to zero-emission vehicles by 2030 and jointly explore green transportation corridors by 2025

2. 这是一个减少病人护理排放的重要机会, 这些因素占医疗保健总排放量的45%左右, 同时改善健康结果. 专责小组将:

  • 与包括卫生决策者在内的利益攸关方合作, 监管机构, 纳税人, 供应商, healthcare professionals and patient groups to raise awareness on the need and opportunity to decarbonise care pathways
  • build an end-to-end care pathway emissions calculation standard and tool for specific diseases that allows stakeholders to measure and track emissions across the care pathway and assess decarbonisation strategies
  • 在执行lca的公共框架上保持一致, with 私人 sector members also committed to publishing product-level LCA data across their product portfolio to increase transparency on treatment emissions

3. The Task Force is committing to leverage digital health solutions to decarbonise clinical trials and will:

  • commit to a common framework by 2023 and subsequently start to measure greenhouse gas emissions in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials. 各公司的目标是在2025年开始报告第二和第三阶段的试验排放
  • align new trials to 公司’ decarbonisation pathway and set trial emissions reduction targets for 2030 at the latest
  • incentivise clinical research organisations and clinical trial-related suppliers to commit to a framework to measure and reduce emissions, 包括通过使用数字解决方案
  • 目标是,从2025年开始,90%以上的试验将包括对数字解决方案如何减少排放的审查

除了私营部门成员, SMI卫生系统工作队包括来自世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的领导人。, 联合国儿童基金会, 和医疗, 学术及非政府机构. 工作队正在与世卫组织召集的会议合作 健康和气候变革行动联盟 to provide recommendations to over 60 governments that have committed at Minister of Health level to deliver climate resilient and low carbon health systems.

支持卫生系统利益攸关方加速实现净零, the Task Force has today published three whitepapers outlining practical recommendations and scalable actions:

  • 医疗保健供应链脱碳
  • 脱碳患者护理途径
  • 临床研究可持续性的数字化解决方案

所有已发布的白皮书均可通过访问查看 http://www.sustainable-markets.org/health-systems-taskforce-whitepapers/


他以前的角色是威尔士亲王殿下, 2020年1月,英国国王查尔斯三世在达沃斯发起了可持续市场倡议(SMI). The SMI is a network of global CEOs across industries working together to build prosperous and sustainable economies that generate long-term value through the balanced integration of natural, 社会, 人类, 金融资本. These global CEOs see themselves as the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ helping to lead their industries onto a more ambitious, 加速, 可持续发展的轨迹. 阅读更多: www.可持续市场.org

他以前的角色是威尔士亲王殿下, 2021年1月,查理三世国王陛下在“同一个地球”峰会上发布了Terra的法令. The Terra的法令 serves as the mandate for the SMI and provides a practical roadmap for acceleration towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, 创新, 以及私营部门的资源. 目前有超过500名ceo级别的支持者,其中包括第一个C40城市希腊雅典. Terra的法令是Terra的法令设计实验室的灵感来源. 《澳门第一赌城在线娱乐》是公众的路线图, 私人, 与慈善合作并向所有国家开放, 城市, 公司, 组织, 以及愿意支持它的学校. 阅读更多: www.可持续市场.org/terra-carta

The SMI Health Systems Task Force launched at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) with the central aim of accelerating the delivery of net zero, 以患者为中心的医疗保健系统,提高个人, 社会, 以及地球健康. 这一公私合作伙伴关系将澳门在线赌城娱乐的首席执行官和领导人聚集在一起, 葛兰素史克公司, 默克公司, 诺和诺德公司, 罗氏公司, 三星生物制剂, 赛诺菲安万特, 卡罗林斯卡学院, 英国国民保健服务, 可持续医疗保健联盟, 联合国儿童基金会, 帕维亚大学, 和世界卫生组织(卫生组织).

COP27将于2022年11月6日至18日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行. 埃及政府为COP27制定了包括生物多样性等主题在内的十个关键主题, 适应与农业, 脱碳, 青年和子孙后代. 遵循在COP26上提出的承诺和目标, 第27届联合国气候变化大会将见证全球政治领导人, 科学支持, generate the implementation of ambitious goals from mitigation and adaption to finance and global collaboration.


1. 世界卫生组织. 空气污染如何破坏澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的健康[在线]. 2021. 可在:http://www.谁.int/news-room/spotlight/how-air-pollution-is- destro- our-health[最后访问:十一月2022]

2. 赵强等. 全球, 区域, and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 1029: a three-stage modelling study. 《澳门在线赌城娱乐》. 2021;5(7):E415-E435.

3. 《澳门在线赌城娱乐》. 研究发现,极端气温每年导致500万人死亡,与高温相关的死亡人数正在上升. 2021年7月. 在线. 可在:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/08/extreme-temperatures-kill-5-million-people-a-year-with-heat-related-deaths-rising-study-finds [Last accessed November 2022]

4. 无伤害医疗2019. 医疗保健的气候足迹,奥雅纳. 在线. 可在:http://www.奥雅纳.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/healthcares-climate-footprint [Last accessed November 2022]

Veeva ID: Z4-50173


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